10 Superb Tips For a Healthier Life


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Avoid sodas and juices ready to attention. The consumption of regular soda is linked to diabetes and obesity, while the unsweetened (as light, diet and zero) because of worsening kidney function. Already fructose from fruit and sweetens the juices ready when consumed in excess can cause increased blood pressure.
Superb Tips For a Healthier Life
Superb Tips For a Healthier Life

2 - Best Distribute meals throughout the day. Try to eat every three hours to avoid overload and decreased metabolism in certain meals (especially at night). Also, avoid the body between the so-called "power reserve", which is when the body feels that, by starvation, need to store calories, hindering weight loss.

3 - Increase the consumption of liquid throughout the day, preferably water. The continuous fluid intake keeps the metabolism in constant motion, and the activity of body cells and bowel function. Do not wait for thirst. If it comes, is a sign that the body is already dehydrated.

4 - Prefer whole grain foods in replacement of refined carbohydrates. The whole take longer to be digested, promoting satiety longer and better bowel function.

5 - Do not consume high-calorie foods at dinner, it can impair sleep. Moreover, as the metabolism slows down at night, caloric expenditure during this period will be lower, which may cause weight gain.
6 - Practice physical activities, they are fundamental to promote fitness, increase longevity and decrease stress. For those over 35, exercise helps maintain muscle mass. The practice is important because part of metabolism depends on muscle mass.

7 - Only consume drugs under medical supervision. Without professional supervision, people tend to take too much medication or stop taking medicines they need.

8 - Sleep well. For a more restful sleep, avoid: heavy meals in the evening, 17 hours after the caffeine and strenuous exercise during the night shift.

9 - Have a hobby or do you like it enough, leaving the routine activities. It's a great way to escape the circle of worrisome thoughts and maintain motivation.

10 - Find information and help to stop smoking or drinking alcohol excessively. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for numerous diseases and lung machine overloads lot and the circulatory system. Have alcohol, besides bringing behavioral problems, is very harmful to the liver and pancreas, which are essential to our metabolism.


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